Mapplerley Park GP surgery closed by inspectors

Mapperley Park Medical Centre was first put into special measures in June 2015.

A Mapperley surgery has become the second in Nottingham to be shut by inspectors in less than four months.

Mapperley Park Medical Surgery closed at midday on Wednesday after a visit by the Care Quality Commission.

The practice was already in special measures after another visit by the commission last June rated its care as “inadequate”.

A follow-up investigation last Thursday found not enough improvements have been made and inspectors shut the practice.

It has around 2,320 patients registered across Mapperley Park and St Ann’s who are now being referred to two other surgeries.

A statement on the surgery’s website read: “We are working with Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group to do everything that we can to minimise disruption for patients.

“We would like to assure our patients that we are committed to making these improvements and would like thank them for their on-going support.”

Alternative arrangements

The surgery’s 2,320 registered patients are being referred to;

  • Victoria Practice, Glasshouse Street, Nottingham NG1 3LW – 0115 883 9080
  • Mapperley Practice, 858 Woodborough Road, Nottingham NG3 5QQ – 0115 969 1166

It is the second time this year inspectors have been so concerned about a Nottingham practice that they have ordered a closure.

In June the Willows Medical Centre, on Church Street, Carlton, was also shut by the commission after an inspection found multiple failings including an unqualified assistant carrying out examinations on patients.

Dr Mark Stevens, the GP responsible for Mapperley Park Medical Practice, was not immediately available for comment.

The surgery’s website describes the closure as ‘temporary’.

Earlier inspections by inspectors rated the practice ‘inadequate’ in key areas.

A spokesman for the commission said: “We are working closely with Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England with regard to the service and have taken urgent action to protect people who use the service.

“While our legal processes do not allow us to go into further detail at this time, however we will publish a full report of our findings in due course. Any action CQC takes is subject to a right of appeal.”

The commission’s report last June read: “Inspectors found that while staff at Mapperley Park Medical Centre offered a caring and supportive service, there were unsuitable arrangements in place to ensure there were sufficient staffing levels and an appropriate skill mix to deliver services and support patients.”