Nottingham teenager studies the shrinking hedgehog population

A 16-year-old from Wysall, who is a wildlife enthusiast, has been following the movements of the hedgehog population.
Billy Stockwell who enjoys animals of all species runs his own YouTube channel which shows his footage of hedgehogs he creates.
Some of his footage has even been featured on BBC’s Autumnwatch and Springwatch Extra, and has strong connections with Wildlife Kate.
Billy has loved animals since he was a young child and spends the majority of his time outdoors in the garden creating wildlife homes from scratch. His love for hedgehogs has seen him create a hedgehog hotel, which he built with his dads help.
Jane Stockwell, Billy’s mum said: “When he was two and three he was more interested in playing with the ducks rather than doing anything else.”
Video: Billy Stockwell talks about his interest in wildlife.
Jane Stockwell said that Billy has very good patience as she often sees him sitting in one spot for up to an hour as he waits for wildlife.
Billy funds his hobby himself by selling his things on-line to buy the equipment he needs.
What’s nice is people have been so supportive.
Jane Stockwell, Billy’s mother.
Billy wants others to get involved as he says there are simple things people can do to help prevent the extinction of the creatures, like building a hedgehog house or just leaving a small gap in your fence.
You can see more of Billy’s footage of wildlife on his YouTube account:
Video: Billy’s YouTube footage of hedgehogs in his garden at night.