Nottingham ‘whistling orchestra’ will honour miners’ traditions

A Nottingham ‘whistling orchestra’ is being formed for a one-off performance.

The project is being commissioned by artist Emma Smith and is looking for people of all ages to audition for an upcoming show in March.

It is partly inspired by the history of Nottinghamshire’s mining communities.

Colliery men often adopted a unified method of humming and whistling as a way of making music while they worked.

The new project will invite local people to share their experiences and tunes whistled in workplaces.

The first audition was held last night, and more rehearsals will be held on a regular basis throughout February.

If you know somebody who is always whistling, there is an open call for recordings to be submitted for the chance to be part of the project.

The auditions will be taking place at the Primary studio, 33 Seely Road, NG7 1NU.

Anyone interested in entering or who wants to know more can email Rebecca Beinart who can provide more information or call 0115 924 4493.


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