Obese Nottinghamshire pets ‘fed alcohol and takeaway food’

A rise in pet obesity has been blamed on owners feeding them snacks, scraps, takeaway leftovers and even alcohol.

According to vet charity PDSA, more than 5.5 million pets are given treats on a daily basis in the UK, including more than three million dogs.

While the East Midlands including Nottinghamshire has been performing better than the national average, a quarter of local dogs are thought to be overweight and just over one in ten cats.

And experts say owners giving animals treats including alcohol and takeaway food is to blame.

Owners think obesity is the biggest pet threat

PDSA vet Vicki Larkham-Jones said: “Nearly half of pet owners believe that obesity is the biggest threat to animal welfare in the next ten years yet pets continue to be poorly fed.

“As well as being high in calories, food like takeaways, cake, cheese, chips and crisps are high in fat and sugars which are bad for our pets’ waistlines and teeth.

“Some owners even admitted to giving chocolate and even alcohol, both of which are poisonous to pets and can be fatal.”


We have helped over 100 animals lose over 63 stone

PDSA has launched its annual Pet Fit Club competition to help and encourage owners slim their pets.

Vicki added: “Over the past 11 years, the fit club has helped over 100 animals lose more than 63 stone and has encouraged thousands more owners to make positive changes to their pet’s lifestyle.

“We can make a real difference starting now and with the right food and exercise, it is easy to keep your pets fit and healthy.”


In addition, PDSA also revealed that:

  • Over four million UK dogs, cats and rabbits are fed scraps as their main meal
  • Nearly nine million owners give their pets treats because they believe it makes their pet feel happier
  • 88 per cent of owners believe overweight pets have a shorter lifespan
  • 60 per cent of owners think overweight pets are less happy
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