Old 19th Century warehouse off Old Market Square to be converted into shared housing

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An old warehouse in Greyhound Street will be converted into shared housing

An old warehouse in Greyhound Street will be converted into shared housing

By Joe Locker, Local Democracy Reporter

An old 19th Century warehouse off Old Market Square will be transformed into shared housing for 14 residents.

The approved plans were submitted by applicant Mr M Tarabadi for the three-storey building at 19 Greyhound Street, a narrow pedestrian thoroughfare in the Old Market Square Conservation Area.

While the building is currently vacant, it has been home to a nightclub on the upper floors and, more recently, a yoga and fitness studio.

The building sits near to Fenchurch House, a 1960s office building, and most properties front onto King Street and have commercial uses on the ground floor.

The upper floors of both eight and 10 King Street have already been converted to Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), having been granted planning permission in 2021 and 2018 respectively.

The warehouse will be converted into two blocks containing seven rooms each and can be used as student accommodation.

The narrow alleyway of Greyhound Street
The narrow alleyway of Greyhound Street

Plans say: “Each floor would be self-contained with a large kitchen, dining and living room created from the stair core at the right-hand side of the building, by removing the stairs.

“However, the entrance to this on the ground floor would be retained as access to the basement of the property, which does not form part of this application.

“The entrance to the upper floors would be via the left-hand stairs, which is a more attractively detailed entrance.

“A laundry is proposed in the former toilets found on each floor of this stair core.

“The only external alterations proposed are the creation of a new door from the first floor kitchen and living area onto the adjacent flat roof, for maintenance only, and the addition of a roof window above the kitchen.”

A roof terrace had been proposed, however concerns were raised during the planning process and this has since been scrapped.

A cycle storage will also be created.

Nottingham City Council’s planning officers have given the scheme the green light.

In their reasoning for the approval, they say: “The proposed rooms are considered to be of an appropriate size and all have a reasonable outlook.

“A separate laundry room is also provided off the main staircase in addition to the kitchen space for both flats.

“Cycle and bin storage is to be provided at the rear of the site.

“Given the city centre location, it is not considered that the introduction of student accommodation would unduly impact upon the amenities of neighbouring occupants.

“Furthermore, residential cluster flats would be more appropriate to the previous nightclub use in terms of impacts upon existing surrounding residential uses.

“A noise assessment has been submitted and concluded that habitable rooms should have mechanical ventilation.

“Existing single glazed windows would be upgraded with secondary glazing, with a condition requiring their installation prior to occupation.”

A financial contribution of £18,400 will also be provided and go towards the provision or enhancement of public open space.

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