Radcliffe RSPCA rescues 30 ‘forgotten’ dogs from one kennel complex

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Seven-year-old Poodle cross Monty

Thirty abandoned dogs have been rescued by the RSPCA’s Radcliffe Animal Centre after they were discovered living in shocking conditions at a private kennel complex.

The animals were found in kennels outside a property in Skegness last week and were immediately taken into emergency care.

Many had heavily matted fur and teeth so rotten they struggled to eat.

Ella Carpenter, manager of Radcliffe Animal Centre, said: “No matter how much neglect you deal with as part of our work, seeing so many dogs forgotten really brings it home.

Four-year-old Sebastian was found with matted fur

“We set about vet-checking them, where it was discovered their teeth were in horrendous condition, the level of sores on their skin and ear infections.”

They’ll be taken care of at the centre until they’re ready to find permanent homes.

Unfortunately though, the sad discovery isn’t a one-off. The RSPCA has seen a rise in abandoned animals since the start of the pandemic.

Tink the terrier before and after her transformation

During the first lockdown, they were receiving up to 40 reports a day.

Ella said: “As people lose their jobs, their financial situation is uncertain. One of the decisions they’re having to make is that they can no longer care for a pet.

“We’re also seeing the effects of elderly owners and vulnerable people losing their lives, and those pets are being left behind.”


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