Second accident on same spot on the A52 in 24 hours

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Hello, and welcome to the Notts TV Debate, I’m Richard Spurr. As always we’ll tackle the big topics of the week, and there’s plenty to go at from Nottinghamshire and from the nation’s news. So, doing battle tonight. Michael McKeever a former Head teacher at Trinity School, Gillian Hibbert at Brewin Dolphin and Investment specialist. Stephanie Sirr, Chief Executive at Nottingham Playhouse. Scott Bennett - a Comedian. Jeremy Corbyn is now the undisputed leader of the Labour party after beating off the challenge of Owen Smith. But Mr Corbyn's victory in the members' vote has led to widespread debate about the future of the party. Many MPs, including some from Notts, have openly said they don't think he has what it takes to win widespread public support. Former Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls even said it was possible the party would never win power again because of the result. So how can Labour return to power? Two adverts published by Nottingham City Council encouraging people not to give to beggars have been banned by the advertising watchdog. The 'give smart' campaign ran earlier this year and included the phrase “BEGGING: WATCH YOUR MONEY GO UP IN SMOKE – Begging funds the misuse of drugs". The advertising standards authority says they can't appear again after seven people complained that they sterotyped people unfairly. The city council says it may challenge the ruling - but SHOULD you ever give money directly to beggars? University terms have begun in Nottingham and the streets are now lined with fresh-faced bright young things will hope in their hearts and a double vodka Red Bull in their hands. But now a second wave of tuition fee rises has been indicated which would take the amount payable to over £9,500 a year. But with many graduates still struggling to find skilled work after they leave higher education, does the debt which comes with studying these days justify the benefits it brings? How much is a degree really worth? New badges are being handed out to encourage people to talk to one other on the London Underground. The Tube Chat pin's supposed to indicate to other commuters that the wearer is happy to have a conversation. The man behind the scheme said that twenty percent of people think it's nice and about eighty percent think it's terrible, worst idea ever. Transport for London (TfL) has confirmed they had nothing to do with the scheme. But is the chat badge something you'd like to see in Notts? And do you think we've lost the art of conversation? CLOSE: That’s all we’ve got time for this week. You can continue the debate on twitter – using the hashtag NTVDEBATE. A big thank you to today's guests – Michael McKeever, Gillian, Stephanie Sirr, and Scott Bennett. . And thank YOU for watching. Goodbye! Michael, Gillian, Stephanie Sirr, and Scott Bennett.

One lane was closed while the injured rider was treated at the scene before being taken to hospital.

One lane of the A52 heading east out of Notttingham was closed after the second accident on the same spot within 24 hours.

One of the two eastbound lanes close to the Gamston Lock roundabout was shut just after 3.20pm on Saturday.

The incident involved a motorcycle and the rider was seen lying injured by the carriageway before being taken to hospital by ambulance.

Notts Police said he suffered minor injuries and no other vehicles were involved.

Queues built up approaching the roundabout creating long delays until the scene was cleared at just after 4pm.

It followed another crash on almost exactly the same spot of the road on Friday afternoon involving a car.

This incident also closed part of the road while debris was cleared.

Emergency services reported several other minor accidents on Saturday after thunderstorms and heavy rain covered roads with standing water.

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