Traffic gridlock on A60 solved after lights repaired

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Traffic on the A60 in south Nottingham has returned to normal after problems with a set of traffic lights at a major junction caused long delays on Tuesday.

Temporary signals were put in place at the Meadow Lane/A60 London Road junction, north of the River Trent.

A different sequence being used by the lights appeared to be the main cause of long northbound queues stretching over the bridge along the A60 as far back as Wilford Hill Crematorium.

Melton Road in West Bridgford was also badly affected at rush hour, with a handful of breakdowns making the problems worse.

A minor accident at the junction on Monday was responsible for the loss of the regular set of traffic lights, which also caused tailbacks on Monday evening.

Nottingham City Council had fixed the problem by the Tuesday evening rush hour.

NCT bus services in the area also experienced severe delays.

A Nottingham City Council spokesman said on Tuesday: “The four traffic lights have been replaced with temporary lights and this has unfortunately caused delays to traffic this morning.

“The permanent lights integrate with the traffic light structure across the whole of the south of the city, which usually keeps traffic following well throughout this area, but this is very hard to replicate with temporary lights.”

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