Broomhill House is to be closed due to cuts from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
Broomhill House has been the centre of the Gedling community for over 20 years.
The centre works with people who have enduring and complex mental health problems, helping them to move back to independent living.
It is a Nurse-led, 12 bedded inpatient unit. It supports at least 15 patients in the community who are ex-residents, some of whom have no families or support network.
In 2014, the Care Quality Commissioners inspected Broomhill and reported that it is an ‘effective service that provides an excellent quality of care’.
The proposal to close Broomhill House has also coincided with the closure of Heather Close, another metal health unit, in Mansfield as part of a cost-cutting measure.
The Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust originally planned to cut 30 beds from the unit in Gedling and limit the number of beds to 36. However, the unit may now be closed entirely by October 1st 2015.
If the unit is closed, patients will have to be treated in their own homes. Campaigners fear that this will halt the progress made by the unit in helping mentally ill patients.
Friends of Broomhill House, a campaign set up by patients and relatives has formed to fight these proposals.
An online petition has also been created to which has received 1,936 signatures so far and is close to meeting it’s target of 2,000.