British Geological Survey open day aims to show that ‘geology rocks’

The British Geological Survey is planning to show people that geology isn’t boring with over 3000 people expected to attend their open day.
The British Geological Survey (BGS) centre is located on Nicker Hill in Keyworth and is set to entertain over 3000 people for their first open day in two years.
Dave Tappin, Tsunami Researcher at the British Geological Survey said: “Although tsunamis aren’t a major hazard to the UK, they can create devastating waves and destruction in other locations and over the last ten years we’ve had some of the largest tsunamis ever.”
Dave then talked through his exhibition that the visitors could have a go on at the open day on June 27.
He said: “As well as a revolving presentation on tsunamis and how they are formed we have a tsunami pool that contains a lego town. They can create their own miniature tsunami waves by pushing on the sides of the pool mimicking what would happen in a proper tsunami, destroying the lego buildings.”
Picture: The tsunami pool exhibition
John Stevenson, a member of the public engagement team at the BGS centre was very enthusiastic about getting the kids learning about earthquakes and talked through one of the exhibits.
Video: John Stevenson talks about one of the exhibits ready for the open day.
John was keen to deter any views that all geologists do is look at rocks, he said: “We have a lot of rocks in our collection but its more about the science behind them, what happens over time to rocks and things like that.
“For instance, landslides are very frequent at the moment and we’ve been studying them to understand why they are happening more frequently.”
There are various exhibits for the open day visitors to have a go on including smashing up mobile phones to show how easy it is to recycle them.
Video: Andrew Bloodworth demonstrates the best way to recycle your mobile phone.
The Open Day will take place on June 27 between 10am and 4pm.
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