Canal Street to reopen tonight as emergency repairs finish ahead of schedule

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Canal Street westbound is due to open again later tonight

Canal Street will reopen on Thursday at 8pm as emergency repairs have been finished ahead of schedule.

National Grid said earlier in the week that emergency repairs to a gas pipe leak would not be finished until Friday (March 17) but have now said the road will open later today.

Repairs have now been completed on five joints which were leaking on a metal pipe and the road has been resurfaced.

All other roadworks in Nottingham city centre had been temporarily halted while Canal Street is shut to help traffic flow.

Emergency roadworks on Canal Street, caused by leaking gas pipes, have been badly affecting traffic in Nottingham

A spokeswoman for National Grid said: “National Grid completed repairs to a leaking gas main in the road yesterday [Wednesday March 15].

“Engineers monitored the area this morning and found no gas readings which means the leaks have been successfully repaired.

“The excavations have been filled in and resurfaced, with the road expected to reopen to westbound traffic at 8pm this evening.

“We would like to thank people in Nottingham for their patience while we carried out this work.

“For the safety of everyone in the area, it was vital we completed these repairs.

“We are sorry for any delays caused to people’s journeys.”

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