Dog chews baited with rat poison found in Stanley Common

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An urgent appeal has been launched after an Erewash dog walker discovered chews containing deadly baits.

The deliberately poisoned dog chews were found by someone walking their dog on a street in Stanley Common, near Ilkeston on Monday.

Erewash Borough Council’s Neighbourhood Wardens have now removed the poisoned chews from the Glendon Street area and have issued an appeal for help.

It appears the baits had been made by putting rat poison between two dog chews and holding them together with an elastic band.

One of the ‘deadly sandwiches’ was placed on a pavement in the area and the second in a nearby jitty.

Councillor Barbara Harrison, Erewash Borough Council’s lead member for environment, is urging all dog walkers to be vigilant and to report any suspicious activity or bait they find.

She says:

This is a very serious and very worrying incident.

“We are grateful to the member of public for taking immediate action so that we could remove the baits before any dog was affected.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact the council’s Neighbourhood Warden manager, Scott Cartledge, as soon as possible on 0115 907 2244 or email [email protected].

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