Foundations laid for new £5.3 million visitor centre for Sherwood Forest

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The new visitors centre is set to be finished in 2018.

Work has started on a new £5.3 million visitor centre for Sherwood Forest designed to boost tourism and enhance the international reputation of one of Nottinghamshire’s most important landmarks.

Foundations of the building at Forest Corner, near Edwinstowe, are being laid this week after a consortium led by the RSPB and Nottinghamshire County Council secured funding and drew up the plans.

It means work is on track for the building to open in 2018, replacing the current 1970s centre.

Around 350,000 people a year visit Sherwood Forest and its iconic Major Oak – and it is hoped this will be increased by the new facilities.

Displays will provide information about Robin Hood, the wealth of forest wildlife, spectacular trees and legendary stories of the forest, famous the world over thanks to the legendary outlaw.

It will also include a shop and a café, with a terrace and amphitheatre outside, as well as a brand-new play area.

Sherwood Forest is home to the ancient Major Oak, legendary hideout of Robin Hood.

Ross Frazer, the RSPB’s project manager, said: “It’s a privilege to be custodians of the Robin Hood legacy, to continue the traditions of this ancient legend and to tell it afresh to new generations.

“For the RSPB and our partners, we couldn’t be more proud to be involved in this fantastic landscape, which we hope to protect and conserve for many years to come.

“With the help of our new centre, we want to inspire people to enjoy and celebrate Sherwood’s magical woodland, wildlife and enviable heritage.”

The old centre will be demolished and returned to nature.

Cllr John Handley, chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “This new modern centre will be wonderful for everyone and will bring a real boost to the visitor economy.”

When the new building opens in the summer of 2018 at its new position in Forest Corner, the current 1970’s visitor centre and car parks will be removed, and the site where they stand returned to nature.

As well as the new centre, the partnership will also manage the ancient woodland within Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.

The internationally-important reserve hgas almost 1,000 ancient oaks, the highest density in Western Europe, many of them more than 500 years old.

The most famous, the Major Oak, is thought to be nearly twice that old, and was crowned England’s tree of the year in 2014. According to local folklore, this 23-ton oak offered shelter to Robin Hood and his gang of outlaws.


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