Labour holds all three seats in Nottingham City Council by-elections

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Labour maintained its grip on Nottingham City Council by holding three seats in by-elections.

The party won in Basford, Bestwood and Buwell Forest wards after Thursday’s vote (October 19).

The results mean the political make-up of the council is unchanged, with Labour holding 51 seats, the Conservatives three and one seat independent.

Nick Raine was elected to represent Basford ward in a vote to decide who should replace Alex Norris, who stood down following his election as Labour MP for Nottingham North in June.

In Bulwell Forest, Cheryl Barnard took the seat vacated by the death of Alan Clark in July.

And in Bestwood, Georgia Power won after Mick Wildgust stood down last month due to ill health.

Results in full;


Nick Raine (Labour) – 1409 votes – ELECTED
Bradley Richard Wing (Conservative) – 408
Bill Ottewell (UKIP) – 119
Zeb Brigham (Green) – 81
Rebecca Lucy Stephen Procter (Liberal Democrat) – 49

Electorate – 11,856
Turnout – 17.53%


Georgia Emily Power (Labour) – 1280 – ELECTED
Francesco Lari (UKIP) – 301
William Raymond Scott (Conservative) – 297
Christina Morgan-Danvers (Liberal Democrat) – 57
Liam Elliott McClelland (Green) – 50
David Laurence Bishop (Bus-Pass Elvis Party) – 34

Electorate – 12,475
Turnout – 16.27%

Bulwell Forest

Cheryl Margaret Barnard (Labour) – 1420 – ELECTED
Karen Lesley Kemp (Conservative) – 966
Tony Blay (UKIP) – 141
Andrew Guy Jones (Green) – 52
Callum William Southern (Liberal Democrat) – 31

Electorate – 10,729
Turnout – 24.38%

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