Nottingham’s NCT buses to get new fleet of gas-powered double-deckers

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Artist Impression of a red line alternative (courtesy of Nottingham City Council)

Nottingham will be getting more than 50 buses powered by biogas after securing a grant of more than £4 million.

Nottingham City Transport (NCT), has been given the £4.4m grant from government’s OLEV low emission bus scheme to add 53 gas buses to its fleet.

They will be on the roads around the city in summer 2017 and are designed to give a quieter, smoother ride while reducing emissions.

NCT estimates they will save 23,204,856kg of carbon being pumped into the city’s atmosphere over the lifetime of the vehicles, compared with conventional diesel buses.

Biogas is a sustainable alternative

The investment in biogas buses “marks a significant step change,” according to NCT Engineering Director Gary Mason.

He said: “We’ve spent an enormous amount of time and effort in researching alternative fuels.

“Biogas offers a long-term sustainable alternative to diesel.

“For this to be recognised and to gain the funding is rewarding for us as a company and exciting for the city as a whole.”

It’s shaping our future as UK’s greenest transport city

Nick McDonald, Nottingham City Council’s portfolio holder for transport, said the introduction of the fleet will create jobs.

He said: “The funding will have a positive knock on effect to our local economy and skills base, providing local opportunities to develop ways into employment.

“Bus companies will be offering apprenticeships and work experience connected directly to this new technology.

“This is all enabling Nottingham to become a centre for low-carbon, future-proofed transport, shaping our future as the UK’s greenest transport city.”

Nottinghamshire County Council also secured funding from the scheme and plan to introduce two electric buses on the 510 route to serve Stapleford and Beeston.


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