Notts bus lane ignored by 400 drivers in three hours to get enforcement camera

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Video: Neil Hodgson of Notts County Council highways on the problems caused by drivers

A bus lane could get an enforcement camera after a study showed nearly 400 drivers used it in a three-hour period.

Bridgford Road alongside Trent Bridge cricket ground, has a lane which operates at rush hour in the mornings and evenings.

But Nottinghamshire County Council says too may drivers are ignoring the rules and officers counted 397 contraventions across three operational hours on one day.

The authority says the lanes are “vital” in helping to keep cyclists safe and bus services on time during busy periods.

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Picture: Where the bus lane begins on Central Avenue

The council says a bus lane camera to catch and fine car drivers could be the most effective way of tackling the problem.

Neil Hodgson is the Director of Highways for Notts County Council and says something needs to be done about the poor reliability and punctuality of the buses coming out of the West Bridgford area.

He said: “It’s not good for the bus operators, it’s not good for the county council. We work in partnership to try and get a good bus network across the county and when we find that the reliability is affected, people tend to have less confidence in the bus service.

“What we are doing to combat this is we are altering the hours of operation of the bus lane and extending it slightly, reconfiguring it and at the junction nearby to help pedestrians.

“We are also seeking permission if we need to use cameras to enforce the bus lane in the future.”

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Image: The bus lane ends on Bridgford Road, opposite Trent Bridge cricket ground

A recent study showed that for every pound spent on local bus infrastructure, up to £7 ends up coming back in benefits for local businesses, communities and the environment.

The council will this week rule on the introduction of camera bus lane enforcement signs at Bridgford Road, subject to a 12-month period before any camera is actually installed.

A Transport and Highways Committee meeting is being held on Thursday at County Hall where a decision will be made.


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