Call for Notts organ donors as waiting list reaches 100

surgeon performing operation with his nurse and anaesthetist

A hundred people are waiting on the organ transplant list in Nottinghamshire, prompting medics to ask more people to sign the donor register.

More than 40 people have died in Nottinghamshire waiting for an organ transplant over the last five years, says NHS Blood and Transplant.

Successful past campaigns such as ‘Be a Hero‘ raised more awareness about the shortage of donors.

But with so many people still waiting hospital biases are still looking to raise awareness about the importance of helping somebody in need of a transplant.

There are 260,000 people from Nottingham on the Organ Donor Register – but experts at the Queen’s Medical Centre and City Hospital say this is still not enough.

Joining the Organ Donor Register is very important

Notts County FC and Nottingham Forest have both backed the ‘Be a Hero‘ campaign.

Picture: Notts County showing their support for organ donation. 

According to the NHS Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Data for England in December there were 5683 people waiting on the organ donation list nationally.

seven people have died in Nottinghamshire while waiting for an organ transplant

Video: James Donaldson donated his organs and saved lives after he passed away.

Nottinghamshire County Council is also backing the campaign to get more Nottinghamshire people to join the register.

Councillor Carol Pepper, of Nottinghamshire County Council, said:”I am delighted to give my backing to Nottingham University Hospital’s organ donor campaign and would urge more people in Nottinghamshire to sign up and save lives.”

You can join the organ donation list by signing up online, calling  0300 123 2323 or texting DONATE to 62323.