Picture released in hunt for man who sexually assaulted teenage girl

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Nottinghamshire Police have released this photo of a man in connection with an alleged sexual assault on a 15-year-old girl in St Ann's.

Police have released a photo of a man they want to speak to in relation to a reported sexual assault on a teenage girl in St Ann’s.

The 15-year-old victim was approached by a man outside the intu Victoria Centre on the evening of Saturday November 20.

The suspect then walked with her to the Wells Road area of St Ann’s – where the offence is believed to have happened around midnight.

The man in the photo is black, of a medium build with black hair in dreadlocks.

He is thought to be around 30 years old, and was wearing a black and white patterned beanie hat and black coat.

Anyone who recognises the man or has any information that could help is asked to contact Notts Police on 101, quoting incident number five of November 20 2016.

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