More than four in ten violent incidents reported to Nottinghamshire Police involve domestic violence according to the Police and Crime Commissioner.
At a conference called Tackling Domestic Violence in Faith Communities, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Chris Cutland described reports of domestic violence as only the “tip of a very worrying iceberg.”
She said: “It is important that we all understand that many aspects of domestic violence and abuse are illegal, immoral and against the teachings of our religions.”
In the UK domestic violence kills two women every week with one incident of domestic violence being reported to police every minute.
It happens in all walks of life, all classes, all cultures and all faiths.
Police and Crime Commissioner, Chris Cutland, Nottinghamshire Police.
The Police and Crime Commissioner’s office supports victims of domestic violence by giving adults options and support no matter what they decide to do, children are also given help to cope and recover.
Cutland said: “Crimes like these have devastating effects on all concerned including children, many of whom go on to have mental health or substance misuse issue.”
Nottingham City Homes which manages Nottingham City Council’s rented and leasehold homes, state that on average there will be 35 assaults before a victim will call the police.
Anyone who is being subjected to physical violence should always call 999 or local domestic violence helpline on: 0808 800 0340