Police launch CCTV appeal in bid to find Nottingham bag snatcher

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A police appeal has been launched for help in catching a man who snatched a bag from a 67-year-old woman in Nottingham.

The incident, which occurred at around 2pm on Thursday, April 9, saw the thief take a shopping bag – containing a purse – from the woman.

The woman was then knocked to the floor and officers from Nottinghamshire Police are appealing for the public’s help in catching the culprit.

The snatching occurred on Daybrook Street, Nottingham.

The offender is described as white, around 18-25 years old, of slim build and between 5ft 8ins and 6ft tall.

He was wearing a red baseball cap, Adidas tracksuit top and bottoms, and Adidas trainers.

Pictured below is a man officers would like to speak to in connection with the incident.

NOTTSTV Appeal final

Police would like to speak to this man about a bag snatch incident in Nottingham.

Anyone who may have seen the man or may recognise him should telephone Nottinghamshire Police on 101 quoting incident number 389 of 9 April. Alternatively, they can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Similar incident

Officers are also seeking information about another bag snatch incident in the area over the weekend.

At around 4.20pm on Saturday, April 11, an 85-year-old woman had her bag taken from her on nearby Compton Road, at the junction with Victoria Road.

“To have had two such similar incidents in close proximity is very alarming and obviously distressing for the victims,” said Detective Inspector Mike Allen, of Nottinghamshire Police.

“We are keeping an open mind as to whether the two incidents are connected, but we are keen to speak to the individual in the CCTV image.

“I would advise anyone who is concerned about the safety of their bags and their contents to ensure items like purses, phones and keys are securely zipped or fastened inside the bag and are not visible.”

Anyone with information about this incident should call also 101, quoting incident 577 of 11 April, or Crimestoppers.








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