Residents fail in their bid to stop restaurant and shisha bar arriving in Lenton

New restaurant planned for Derby Road in Lenton
By Matt Jarram, Local Democracy Reporter
Councillors passed plans to transform a former bank into a restaurant and outdoor shisha area in Lenton despite strong objections from residents worried about noise.
The former bank in Derby Road, next to the Savoy cinema, has been vacant for many years and plans are now going ahead to transform the site into a restaurant called Million Lounge.
It offers a grill, breakfast, and dessert menu as well as an outdoor shisha area.
The application by Usman Hussain on behalf of Umar Asghar was brought to the council’s planning committee because it generated “significant public interest”.
The application is for the change of use of the ground floor from existing offices/bank into a restaurant with open shisha area.
There will also be a single storey rear extension for use as additional restaurant seating and alterations to the front of the building.
Planning officers at Nottingham City Council recommended that planning permission be granted before councillors met on Wednesday, March 23.
A planning application was submitted in 2021 for the change of use from bank to restaurant, with shisha cafe in the rear car park.
The application was withdrawn due to concerns relating to impact on Palmer Court and other neighbouring residents, resulting from “the large, open sided shisha area.”
Advertisement consent was however granted in 2021 for signage for the proposed use of the existing building as a restaurant.
There would be an outdoor seating area to the front of the building on Derby Road. This would serve the restaurant and also act as a smoking/shisha facility.
The site layout plan shows room for four tables with chairs and umbrellas to the front of the building. It is also proposed to build a single storey rear extension for additional restaurant seating.
There were 62 neighbouring residents notified as part of the consultation.
Some of these residents were concerned the proposal would “encourage anti-social behaviour and further studentification in an area that already struggles with ASB issues”.
They added: “It would give more emphasis that this area is for students and not for families – and a shisha bar will add nothing beneficial the local area or its council tax paying community.”
Others stated: “This plan goes in the opposite direction and will disappoint many residents seeing yet more evidence that their neighbourhood is being turned over to students.
“Whilst this proposal is not directly adding to the student overload; to provide further drinking venues that are open into the night is only going to increase the late night (early morning) ‘street noise’ that has been driving long term residents out of the community.”
Two petitions, with 79 signatures, were also received from residents of the Palmer Court independent living complex located to the rear of the premises on Newgate Street.
Both express concern that the proposed development would lead to increased noise.
Nottingham City Homes, responsible for the management of Palmer Court, has also objected to the development.
They feel that it will have “a detrimental impact on resident’s ability to peacefully enjoy their homes.”
Planning officers stated that the change of use from bank to restaurant does not need planning permission as both fall within the new ‘Class E’ planning rules – which allows for a mix of uses for a building.
They stated: “To further limit the potential for noise and disturbance the applicant has agreed to conditions that would limit the opening hours of the restaurant to between 9am and 11pm daily, and prevent the use of the remaining rear car park area for outdoor seating associated with the restaurant.”
Cllr Cate Woodward (Lab) asked for a ‘please respect your neighbours sign’ to be installed to protect residents living in Palmer Court.
The eight councillors at the planning meeting accepted the application and it was passed.