Cash reward offered to catch Arnold play area arsonists

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A cash reward is being offered to help catch whoever set fire to a children’s play area in Arnold.

Gedling Borough Council took the unusual step of putting up £1,000 for any information that leads to a prosecution.

The children’s play equipment at the King George V Recreation Ground, on Standhill Road, was set alight on Saturday, September 8.

The fire caused £30,000 in damage, leaving it unusable.

Council leader John Clarke said: “We are appalled by this senseless act and the amount of reward we are offering reflects how seriously we are taking this matter.

“We ask that anyone who may have seen something, no matter how trivial it may seem, to get in touch with the police and help us catch whoever did this.”

The attack left equipment unusable.

Notts Police inspector Steven O’Neil called the arson attack “needless vandalism”.

Inspector Steven O’Neil added: “Together with Gedling Borough Council, we have been out in the locality – making inquiries and scouring CCTV.

“I am saddened that someone would have done this deliberately at the cost of children who enjoy playing on these facilities so we want to do everything we can to find those responsible.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Notts Police on 101 quoting incident 30 of September, 8.

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