Coca Cola Christmas truck queues cause gridlock on A60

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Queues of traffic caused by people driving to see the Coca Cola truck’s visit to Nottingham led to rush hour chaos on the A60.

Loughborough Road in West Bridgford was jammed solid by 5.30pm on Wednesday as people drove to ASDA to see the famous festive icon.

It was parked outside the store until 8pm after arriving at noon as part of a nationwide tour.

Nottingham Travelwise tweeted to warn the queues were ‘gridlocking’ the area and leading to knock-on delays in the city.

Police had earlier advised drivers to allow plenty of time for their journeys in the area because of the expected queues.

The truck’s visit has already split opinion among readers of the Notts TV Facebook Page. Wendy Sheldon wrote: “Saw it near Clifton Village Green this morning about 7.45am, I don’t drink Cola but like the lorry.”

But Nick Barnett added: “Please tell me what coke has to do with Christmas and Santa?”

Traffic returned to normal at around 8pm after the truck’s departure.

traffic in nottingham caused by coca cola truckImage: The Nottingham Travelwise site showed this CCTV image of a solid A60 at Trent Bridge just before 6pm

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