Council drops plans to cut length of free parking in Bingham town centre

Two hours free parking in Bingham car parks will be retained as part of the measures
Two hours free parking in Bingham car parks will be retained as part of the measures
By Joe Locker, Local Democracy Reporter

Plans to slash free parking in Bingham town centre from two hours to one hour have been dropped.

Rushcliffe Borough Council had been proposing to introduce new tariffs at Newgate Street car park, which is currently free for 12 hours, and Needham Street car park, which is free for up to two hours.

It was proposed parking would be free for up to one hour, followed by £1 for one to three hours, £5 for up to four hours, and £10 all day.

However the proposals have caused “public outrage”, Cllr Ted Birch, of the Rushcliffe Independents, said.

During a council cabinet meeting on Tuesday, April 9, the plans were dropped and free parking for two hours will now be retained.

Recommendations for free parking for 30 minutes in the bays around the market place were also approved and are designed to improve parking through encouraging short stay rather than all day parking in the town centre.

Cllr Roger Upton (Con), who backed the new recommendations, said: “The last 10 years I’ve found it increasingly difficult to park in the car parks at Bingham and I am afraid that sometimes I’ve had to park on residential streets – so guilty as charged on that one.

“I believe the proposed changes in this report will improve the situation and give me and others more opportunity to park in the car parks and visit Bingham more often as I used to do.”

The Bingham Car Parking Strategy Group was set up in September last year in a bid to collect data and inform changes.

A study also concluded most users stay for under two hours and only a small percentage stay for lengthy periods of time.

An online survey also took place and received more than 1,500 responses.

The council initially recommended  up to one hour free parking be introduced, followed by tariffs of £1 for one to three hours, £5 for up to four hours, and £10 all day.

Cllr Rob Inglis (Con), Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety, said these proposals had potential for greater churn, and this was “deemed appropriate to prompt the behaviour change to free up capacity.”

The plans would have also brought in more revenue for the council, up to £141,633.

However, following concerns from town councillors, residents and business owners, the council dropped the proposals.

Councillors unanimously approved alternative plans to retain free parking for two hours.

Tariffs will apply between 7am and 7pm, in effect providing free evening parking from 5pm.

Long stay businesses will also have the option to use 30 spaces at the Rushcliffe Arena car park on an annual permit basis.

In retaining free parking for two hours, the council will however lose out on significant income. It is anticipated the council will now only bring in £54,117 a year.

Cllr Davinder Virdi (Con) added: “In choosing this option the associated revenues that are expected are unlikely to cover the costs, both revenue and capital, in operating and maintaining the car parks as is highlighted in the report.

“However the council remains committed to being both prudent and responsible with its finances in recovering its costs.

“I think positively implementing this is a step to recovering some of the costs and I think the review Cllr Inglis has referred to after one year will be helpful.”

The council says the arrangements will be reviewed in 12 months.