Jeremy Corbyn is coming to Nottingham

The labour leader candidate is expected to speak in front of a sold out Albert Hall in Nottingham City Centre.

Corbyn is expected to speak out to more than 900 people at the North Circus Street venue from 7pm on Thursday, August 20.

The left-leaning politician, who leads the polls in the Labour Party’s leadership vote, will provide the chance for any members of the public to hear Corbyn put his case for labour leader forward.

The event will also allow people to ask questions about his campaign.

It comes after crowds of supporters struggled to get in to see Mr Corbyn’s speeches in cities up and down the country.

His main messages will be about promoting the ‘living wage’, nationalising railways, re-opening coal mines and scrapping zero-hours contracts.

Entry to the event will be on a first-come-first serve basis.

For live updates of tonight’s event tune into Notts TV news at 5.30 and 6pm.