A local authority has announced lanes will close on a number of city centre roads as it prepares the demolition of Broadmarsh car park.
The bus station along with the car park closed on Monday August 7 and Nottingham City Council are preparing a three week programme to work out a boundary for the demolition.
Collin Street, Middle Hill and Carrington Street will all have one lane closed with two shut on Canal Street.
Temporary fencing will initially mark the boundary to allow installation of the hoardings.
Leader of the City Council councillor Jon Collins said: “The hoardings going up are probably the first real sign for everyone in Nottingham that the Broadmarsh changes are happening, that this isn’t another false dawn, which is a welcome sign for the city.
“It’s the first step in a long regeneration programme but one I think everyone is looking forward to.”
Two car parks have opened while the site is demolished however 870 parking spaces in the city have been lost.
The car parks are at Broadmarsh East and Sheriff’s Lodge, both off Canal Street.