Man, 54, jailed for 10 years for nearly killing woman in knife attack

John Harvey, 54, formerly of Bramble Close in Bilsthorpe

A 54-year-old has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after stabbing a woman multiple times leaving her fighting for her life.

John Harvey, of Bramble Close in Bilsthorpe, appeared at Nottingham Crown Court today (Friday February 2) having pleaded guilty to attempted murder on Friday December 15 2017.

Harvey had been arrested at the scene when police were alerted to an ongoing knife attack at around 9.15pm on October 9 2017.

Detective Chief Inspector Leigh Sanders from Notts Police Public Protection Unit said: “This was one of the most violent attacks we’ve ever come across.

“I have to give as much praise as possible to the victim for the strength she has shown in coming back from her injuries, piecing this case together and seeing it through to court.

“We hope the victim and her family will be able to begin to put this incident behind them.”

Harvey originally admitted to grievous bodily harm with intent and, following a thorough police investigation that incorporated specialist scientific analysis, was subsequently charged with attempted murder.

His victim was taken to the QMC where doctors stated she had suffered multiple stab wounds to her body, serious stab wounds to her head and suffered two punctured lungs.

The victim pulled through and is recovering well despite being left with several scars.

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