Nottingham City Council’s chief executive pay rises above £190,000 a year

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Mel Barrett, the chief executive of Nottingham City Council

Mel Barrett, the chief executive of Nottingham City Council

By Joe Locker, Local Democracy Reporter

Nottingham City Council’s chief executive will be paid more than £190,000 per year following a pay rise.

The position currently belongs to Mel Barrett, who was appointed in May of 2020, when he replaced former chief executive Ian Curryer.

Mr Barrett had previously worked as chief executive for Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.

According to a 2024/25 pay policy statement, Mr Barrett is to be paid on an all-inclusive fixed spot salary of £190,890, taking into account the recent national 3.5 per cent pay award.

The salary had previously been set at £184,435.

Previous years’ pay policy statements show the salary had been £179,813 back in 2022/23.

A Nottingham City Council spokesman told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “The pay and terms of conditions of employment for local government chief executives are determined by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Executives.

“This means that annual pay awards in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are subject to a national pay-review process and negotiated with the trade unions.

“The national pay award for chief executives for 2023/24 was agreed on 1 November 2023 and provides an increase of 3.50 per cent, with effect from 1 April 2023.”

However the pay gaps have been narrowing, according to pay policy documents.

Pay data in the document is based on salaries as of October 31, 2023; and at this time the national pay award for chief executive positions had not been agreed.

This means salary comparisons have been based off the chief executive’s previous salary of £184,435, not £190,890.

The chief officer pay awards had been agreed and are reflected in the pay data.

The documents show the average chief officer salary is £92,885.74.

The majority of chief officers working at the council belong to a pay group referred to internally as the ‘Senior Leadership Management Group (SLMG)’.

Pay in these groups ranges from as low as £58,082 per year to as high as £102,758.

Corporate directors are paid as low as £139,463 or as high as £162,375.

Meanwhile the lowest paid employee is on Nottingham City Council Grade B, Level 1, equating to a basic salary of £22,366.

Concerning gender, race and disability pay gaps, the documents add: “The council’s 2022/23 Gender Pay Gap report showed an average pay gap of minus 1.5 per cent, which means that on average women earned just over £1.02 for every pound earned by men.

“The Ethnicity Pay Gap showed an average pay gap of 5.1 per cent, which means on average Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees earned just over 95 pence for every pound earned by White British employees.

“The Disability Pay Gap showed an average pay gap of 0.0 per cent, which means on average disabled employees earned the same as non-disabled employees.”

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