Nottingham protesters campaign to free destitute asylum seekers at detention centre

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A group of protesters from Nottinghamshire have been standing up for the rights of detainees at the Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre.

Gemma Pillay works for the Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum who help destitute asylum seekers, and she is also a campaigner for Movement for Justice.

Gemma co-ordinates a group made up of former detainees and campaigners who fight for the freedom of detainees who are stuck in immigration or detention centres.

One particular campaigner who works with Gemma is Fred Kkonde who fled Uganda after other’s found out about his sexuality, which is why he supporting the protests to stop people deported involuntarily.

Gemma said: “There is widespread and documented persecution of homosexuals in Uganda. He is an active campaigner for Movement for Justice which works to end immigration detention.”

Fred left Uganda following persecution which he suffered for his sexuality.

Gemma Pillay, Campaigner for Movement for Justice.

The centre was built in 2001 to house men and women who are awaiting immigration clearance.

Around 700 people were estimated to have been at the protest in Bedfordshire, with many ex-detainees turning up to protest for people who are still held in the centre.


Picture: Protesters outside Yarl’s Wood.

There are approximately 400 women detained inside and there has said to have been reports of violence, abuse and sexual assaults in the past.

A campaign group called Women for Refugee Women set up a Twitter hashtag called #SetHerFree which went viral. They also helped Channel 4 film an undercover documentary about the centre.

A home office spokesperson said: “Those with no right to be in the UK should return to their home country. We will help those who wish to leave voluntarily but when they refuse to do so, we will take steps to enforce their removal.”

The group of protesters managed to pull down a fence during the campaign. The women inside the centre could apparently be heard cheering and some were waving through the windows.


Picture: Protesters outside the centre. 

The Women for Refugee group have started a petition to allow a debate in Parliament about the centre, it has attracted over 10,000 signatures so far.

Gemma and Fred are continuing to work to free the people detained in the centre.

To get more information about the Nottingham Refugee Forum on

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