Nottingham social worker killed in Tunisia beach attack

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A social worker from north Nottinghamshire was amongst those killed in the Tunisia beach terror attacks when on holiday with his family.

John Stollery, 58, was on holiday in Tunisia with his wife and son when he was killed in the beach attack.

Mr Stollery worked for the local authority for 33 years and dedicated the last 16 years to working with children in care for Nottinghamshire County Council.

His wife, Cheryl said: “We still had a long life to live with plans and dreams for our future together.

We love and miss him terribly and nothing will ever be the same again.

Cheryl Stollery.

Mrs Stollery thanked Thomson Holidays, the Foreign Office and the staff at the Imperial Marhaba for their support following John’s death.

Anthony May, Nottinghamshire County Council’s Chief Executive said: “As a dedicated social worker, he had a passion to help others that was apparent to everyone that he met.

“John will be missed greatly.”

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