Nottinghamshire staff and resources helping flood rescue

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Nottinghamshire Environment Agency staff and flood defence supplies have been sent to assist with the severe flooding in the north of England.

Thousands of families and businesses are facing financial ruin as the rising water continues to decimate parts of Yorkshire.

And there are fears things could get worse as Storm Frank is due to sweep in from Tuesday evening, with Cumbria and south and central Scotland at most risk.

On Tuesday 1,000 sandbags were sent from Notts to areas of Yorkshire.

Rob Fisher from the Emergency Planning department at the county council said: “The council has offered to provide mutual aid to provide assistance and the request has come back from Bradford and Calderdale.

“Sandbags are useful when you need to re-direct the flow of water. It has to be said their value is less so in defending property, but if you want to protect infrastructure that is where they can be of use.”

The cost of the UK’s winter flood damage is expected to top £5 billion  – and despite criticism from council leaders and MPs, Prime Minister David Cameron has defended spending levels.

Storm Frank is to set to cause severe gales with gusts reaching 70-80mph on Wednesday, but the Met Office said Nottinghamshire is at no immediate risk.

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