By Anna Whittaker, Local Democracy Reporter
A councillor pleaded with the local NHS to ensure concerns over the future opening hours of Newark’s Urgent Treatment Centre will not “fall on deaf ears”.
An NHS panel has concluded the centre should not reopen overnight despite strong public support for keeping it open 24 hours.
The urgent treatment centre is currently open from 9am to 10pm, seven days a week, treating patients with injuries including cuts, simple bone breaks, wounds, minor burns and minor head, eye and back injuries.
The centre was first temporarily closed for overnight admissions in April 2020 due to pressures during the Covid-19 pandemic. The closure was then extended in 2021, 2022, and again in June 2023.
The centre, which is run by Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust, was discussed by Nottinghamshire County Council’s health scrutiny committee on December 12.
The Integrated Care Board (ICB) which organises local healthcare services, says a final decision on the opening hours of the centre has not yet been made. It says the centre cannot be safely staffed.
Alex Ball, Director of Communications and Engagement at the ICB, told councillors: “I want to be really clear, we have not yet made a decision about what the opening hours of the UTC will be.”
Of the 1,932 people who took part in a ‘listening exercise’ on the opening hours, 70.5 per cent of respondents strongly disagreed or disagreed that the current opening hours of the centre are suitable.
But the ‘clinical senate’, a panel made up of nurses, doctors, GPs and NHS leaders from across the East Midlands unanimously concluded that the Urgent Treatment Centre should be permanently closed overnight.
Cllr Kate Foale (Lab) said during the meeting: “More than 70 per cent of surveyed respondents disagree the current opening hours are suitable, and a similar view was heard in public meetings.
“It does feel that their voice is falling on deaf ears.
“It’s very clear from the listening exercise that they want Newark Hospital to be open for 24 hours.
“I am really glad a decision hasn’t yet been made. A plea from me – please listen to local people.”
Alex Ball, Director of Communications and Engagement at the ICB, said: “I completely agree. We are here to hear from you on behalf of your constituents and residents.
“That does have to be set alongside other considerations including the clinical view.
“It’s a really difficult balance and one we wrestle with in the NHS.
“Our commitment to listen to the population of Newark has not wavered.”
Cllr David Martin (Ash Ind) added: “This is a tick box exercise which has to be gone through.
“No disrespect but I don’t think the NHS were ever planning to open the UTC for any longer.
“In the end, I hope you do listen to the people.”
Chair of the committee Cllr Jonathan Wheeler (Con) added: “One of my main concerns is before it was closed overnight during the pandemic, it wasn’t always possible to staff the rota.
“If it was brought back, has the situation changed for the better or worse?”
Ben Owens, Emergency Medicine Consultant at Sherwood Forest Hospitals, said: “It’s a concern I share.
“The main reason it was closed overnight is we had exhausted everything, we had gone to agency and locum staff, we had looked at moving staff, and that hasn’t changed.
“The demand at King’s Mill is significantly greater now. There is a shortage of staff out there.”
The ICB said when the UTC was open overnight it would treat on average one patient per hour, in contrast to between four and six patients per hour during the daytime.
Now, a decision will be made on whether to start a full public consultation on the plans.
The ICB stressed the Urgent Treatment Centre will still be operating at a minimum of 12 hours a day, in line with the specification for Urgent Treatment Centres across England.
ICB leaders said they would return in January to give an update on the situation.