First look around £5.6m Newark Hospital theatre which promises 2,600 extra operations a year

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A new operating theatre at Newark Hospital will begin seeing patients from next week

By Jamie Waller, Local Democracy Reporter

A new £5.6m theatre at Newark Hospital is hoped to facilitate 2,600 more operations every year, cutting waiting lists and times.

The state-of-the-art theatre will make a ‘huge difference’ to Nottinghamshire and some Lincolnshire people waiting for a procedure, says the chief executive of Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs Newark Hospital.

Operations will focus on simple hips, knees, hand and wrist procedures, with other slots for general surgery, breast surgery and gynaecology.

Staff at Newark Hospital say they are optimistic about how the extra capacity will get patients seen quicker.

Newark Hospital’s new theatre will see 2600 patients every year

Paul Robinson, chief executive, said: “This is fantastic for us at the hospital, and will make a huge difference to people waiting for operations.

“People often tell us that if they live in Newark, they don’t want to be travelling further afield for operations – now they will be able to stay here more often.”

The theatre will have a deep clean before the first operation on November 6.

The suite has been designed to keep distances between theatre, recovery and discharge as small as possible.

Bala Srinivasan, consultant orthopaedic surgeon, said: “This is a state-of-the-art facility, and will be better for both staff and patients, many of whom will be able to go home the same day.

“It’s a chance for people locally and further away – such as Mansfield and Ashfield – to get seen quicker.

“We’re urging people to ask for Newark when they see their GP and get an appointment here.”

£5.6million funding was received from NHS England’s Targeted Investment Fund following a successful bid.

David Ainsworth, director of strategic partnerships at Sherwood Forest NHS Foundation Trust

David Ainsworth, director of strategic partnerships at the Trust, said: “After 12 months of planning and building, we will soon see the first operations in this brand new theatres. 2600 people will be seen every year for the next 60 years.

“We’ve also recruited 30 new staff who were very excited to work here.”

As Newark Hospital doesn’t have a major accident and emergency department, it can ensure simple procedures are completed despite winter pressures on the healthcare system.

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