Free event encouraging Notts to use public transport

A free event is being held to celebrate walking, cycling and public transport in Hockley.

European Mobility Week is aiming the promote sustainable modes of transport by encouraging people to leave their cars at home.

This years theme is “Choose. Change. Combine!” and is focusing on the streets and public spaces that people put first.

The family friendly event, which is being held at Broad Street, will be hosting a number of activities between 10am and 5pm including poetry workshops, craft activities badge making and colouring competitions.

There will also be a screening of Wall-E showing at Screen 22 at 4pm.

The event is being hosted by The Big Wheel and Sustrans and is funded by Nottingham City Council.

Cllr McDonald, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Transportation said: “This week is to encourage people to change the way they travel by switching from the car to a more sustainable and active mode of transport.

“We have the support of many local businesses to make this year’s event Nottingham’s biggest ever.”

For more information on the event and to view the day by day events planner for European Mobility Week visit