Notts’ own Carlo the Clown anxious about scary clown craze affecting his job

Video: Notts TV’s Richard Minkley speaks to Carlo The Clown

A Nottingham clown is anxious out about a craze that’s sweeping the nation with people dressing up as scary clowns to scare people.

Police across England have been called to incidents where people have dressed as clowns to deliberately scare people with some wielding weapons.

Carlo the Clown is worried that it is affecting his ability to make a living and to do what he loves doing.

Grow up, stop being an idiot and leave it to the professionals

He said: “It’s up to us who are professional and semi-professional clowns to do what we do and keep making children and adults smile, not scaring them.

“People who might book you think there could be a couple of children who are nervous of clowns, so perhaps we won’t book a clown, perhaps we’ll book a bouncy castle.

“[Those dressing up as clowns] should grow up, stop being an idiot and leave it to the professionals who do it without causing offence or harm to anyone.”

Carlo has always wanted to entertain people.

He said: “I’ve been a children’s entertainer for as long as I can remember, not professionally at first until I had been to drama school.

“I started clowning a couple of years after that because there weren’t many acting jobs so I went back to doing my first love which was magic.

“They need to think about what they are doing, find control of themselves and find a life.”


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