Nottingham Christmas light switch-on and Winter Wonderland details revealed

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Old Market Square is being transformed into a winter wonderland with traditional market stalls, an ice rink and a huge 60ft Christmas tree.

The annual transformation will be completed by the big Christmas light switch-on event on Friday, November 20 from 5pm.

And this year a group of community-spirited teens will have the honour of turning on the lights.

Joshua Piper and two friends from the Arboretum were chosen after winning praise for helping to keep their local park in Coleville clean and tidy with litter picks.

David Trimble, Nottingham City Council’s portfolio holder for leisure and culture, said: “I’m so proud that we’ve chosen a civic-minded group of young people to help us switch on the lights this year.

“Joshua and his friends are a fantastic example of people striving to make their local area better for everyone and we hope they will inspire others.”

The entertainment will begin at 5pm with the lights switched on at 6.25pm. There will also be street dancers and Christmas elves performing.
nottingham, nottinghamshire, winter wonderland, christmas, christmas tree, ice rink, market stall

Picture: Elliot Brown, Nottingham winter wonderland Christmas market stall.

Special guests will include Sam and Amy from Gem 106 and there will be a live performance by the Southwell Minster Choir after the lights have been turned on.

Nottingham City Council has teamed up with the Mellors group to bring the winter wonderland back to Nottingham.

Lee Clarke, event planning manager for the authority, said: “We’re proud to be able to put on one of the best festive markets in the country for Nottingham, at no cost to the taxpayer.”

Organisers say the wonderland will be bigger and better than before, with a new bar and bandstand which will have live acts performing seasonal Christmas classics.

Parents will be able to take a break from their Christmas shopping by stopping by the mulled wine stall, there will be rides and a Helter Skelter for children to play on as you enjoy your drink.

Families will be able to enjoy everything that is on offer at the winter wonderland after the lights have been switched on.

More information about the light switch-on and the winter wonderland is available on the Nottingham winter wonderland website.


Schedule: Big light switch-on, Friday November 20

5pm – Street dance entertainment kicks off in Old Market Sqaure.

6pm – Sam and Amy from Gem 106 festive fun and songs.

6.25pm – The lights are turned on.

6.30pm to 7.30pm – Southwell Minster Choir live performance.


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