Historic bishop’s hood stolen from Southwell Minster still missing more than three months on

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Southwell Minster (Picture: Diliff cc-by-sa-3.0) Inset: The stolen Bishop Hood

An historic 19th century bishop’s hood stolen from the vestry of Southwell Minster is still missing more than three months on.

The hood of the cope, needle-crafted by women from the Diocese of Southwell in 1896 for the first Bishop of Southwell, was removed following the Eucharist service on Easter Sunday (April 16).

The Diocese of Southwell is a network of more than 300 churches in communities across Notts and parts South Yorkshire.

The hood has been missing ever since.

The Dean, the Very Revd Nicola Sullivan, said: “The Minster’s staff were all deeply upset to discover the cope hood stolen from the vestry on Easter day.

“It has been worn by successive diocesan Bishops on special occasions for over 130 years and while it has little value to anyone else it is precious in the history of this diocese.

“We are grateful to the police for continuing their investigation.”

The cope was designed in the style of the late 15th century and comprises cream silk damask decorated with sprays of flowers, stars and fleur-de-lys worked in gold thread.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Notts Police on 101 quoting incident number 453.

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