‘Inadequate’ Nottinghamshire school turns around bad Ofsted report

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Ellis Guilford secondary school was rated ‘inadequate’ according to Ofsted. Their recent report shows they have now transformed into one of the best rated schools in Nottinghamshire.

The Ellis Guilford School in Basford was previously rated as “good” but later dropped to “inadequate” standards according to a 2013 Ofsted report.

After the school’s previous inspection they were given a list of improvements that were needed and told by Ofsted to: “raise achievement, particularly in mathematics, in science, for disadvantaged students and for more-able students in English.”

After 18 months the school has now managed to get the second highest possible rating.

Head teacher, Sally Coulton who took over three years ago, said: “We have gone from strength to strength, we were already on a journey of improvement and at this point we have now been graded good.”


Video: Head Teacher, Sally Coulton, talks about about schools in Nottingham.

Beth Thomas, a year 10 pupil said: “The schools really improved in the last few years and I think the Ofsted report reflects that.”

The Headteacher of Ellis Guildford School hopes that parents will be delighted to know they are sending their children to a school that is good, but also a school that is wanting to get even better in the future.

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