Riders take part in mounted rally to raise awareness of horses on roads

Video: The horse mounted rally ran from Wollaton Park to Nottingham Castle
Horse riders took part in a mounted rally set up by a campaign group to raise awareness of people riding horses on roads.
The Horse Awareness Campaign has been set up by riders in Notts with the rally running from Wollaton Park through to Nottingham Castle.
The campaign wants to make it law to slow to 15mph and to give horses a two metre space when vehicles pass horses on the road.
Horse rider Emma Keetley, who took part in the rally, said: “I have to have a camera on me now.
“There was at one point when a car got so close to me he actually caught my foot.
“It was a very scary moment but luckily my horse didn’t panic, she didn’t do anything stupid but she could have.”
What we need to do is educate people
Everyone involved in the rally was given a reflective armband containing their own personal medical information in case an accident happens.
Campaign leader Penny Stocks said: “The other week in Wales, there was a horse that was killed on the road after being hit.
“Unfortunately it had to be put down on the spot; a week before that there was another one in Cumbria where that happened.
“What we need to do is educate people because as cars have got faster, traffic has got faster and a lot of people just want to rush to get from A to B.”
The campaign has been given the backing of Labour Nottingham County Councillor Glynn Gilfoyle.
He said: “Horse riders as much as anyone are allowed to go onto the road and we want to make sure that their journeys are very safe.
“We want to make sure that people do give them a wide berth and also slow down.”